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I got this catch phrase from the book The Best Yes by Lysa Terkurst, and she's from our town. I'll be up front and confess that during this phase in my life audiobooks are the only way I can get my reading in. So I read her book and pretty much remember only the title. But the title and the main idea have made their way into our vocabulary and are helping us focus.
Here�s the way this simple question works: at any point during your day, you can ask yourself, �Is what I�m doing �my best yes�?� Because if I�m saying �yes� to this task, I�m saying �no� to other tasks. It�s being self-aware of what I�m doing and taking charge of my moments.
Maybe school got out 20 minutes ago and we�re vegging on Instagram before we start plugging away at our never-ending to-do list. This question we would ask, �Is this my best yes?� If you answer �no,� then you ask yourself, �What would my best yes be?� And you go do that. There�s nothing wrong with vegging for a few minutes, just be aware of what you�re doing and say, �Yes, vegging for 5 minutes is my best yes right now. Set my alarm for 5 minutes of vegging, then choose a new best yes.�
Or maybe you�ve got four important planning tasks to choose from. Before you dive right in, you could ask, �Which one is my best yes for right now?� Which one do I have enough time for right now? Which one do I have the energy for right now? Which one is super urgent and has to get done? Which one am I procrastinating doing but really should do? It�s self-awareness. I think we can get so wrapped up inside ourselves that we need to stop and see ourselves and our situation from the outside so we can breathe, then do the best yes.
So it�s a simple question with a deep process. �Is this my best yes?� This is just one more tool to help us not let all our time slip through our fingers each day.
Conversation of the Day: Try this question all day today and share the most interesting struggle of your day. Let�s see what we learn about ourselves, our motivations, and our distraction points.
Hop on over to watch the video and share your thoughts in the conversation.